Vendor Portal
How to Become a Collins Management Vendor
Collins Management requires all contractors, vendors, and suppliers to register with VIVE when agreeing to perform services at any Collins Management community to decrease our client’s financial and legal liability.
VIVE will charge you an annual registration fee of $150. Please consider this fee when providing a proposal to any community managed by Collins Management. You will be required to register online and provide information about your company.
To register with VIVE, click here.
Why Is Collins Management Partnering with VIVE?
Collins Management must protect the interests of our clients, and we take this responsibility very seriously. This duty includes ensuring that contractors performing work in our communities have appropriate and adequate insurance, are credentialed or licensed to perform the specified work, etc. Therefore, Collins Management is partnering with VIVE as they have the expertise and a proven track record of handling these matters.
Benefits to YOU, the Vendor
Once you go through this process, we will add your company to an exclusive list of Collins Management certified vendors, all of which have been vetted and held to the same standard, and be qualified to work at approximately 150 Homeowners Associations in the Bay Area. When you bid on a project, you can be confident that the other bidders have invested in the same level of professionalism and insurance coverage, which decreases the likelihood of underbidding due to low overhead. Your firm is also entered into a database of vendors accessible by other property management companies.
Do I need to register and pay Vive if I'm only providing a proposal?
No. You will only be required to register once you are hired to perform services by any Collins Management community.
Do I have to register and pay for every Collins Management property that I do work for?
No. You will only have to register once per year and pay a maximum of $150 per year regardless of how many different Collins Management properties for which you perform work.
Why does the contractor have to pay Vive? Why doesn't Collins Management pay Vive on behalf of the contractor?
To maintain transparency and avoid any perceived conflict of interest, the contractor must deal independently of Collins Management with Vive.
What if I choose not to register with Vive?
All current and future contractors, vendors, and suppliers will be required to register. After receiving your credentials from Vive, you will have a grace period of thirty (30) days to enroll. Those companies that do not enroll within the thirty (30) day period will unfortunately not be allowed to do business with Collins Management.
How to Submit an Invoice
To ensure prompt payment, please submit all invoices by using ONE of the following methods:
Email: invoices@collins-mgmt.com (preferred)
U.S. Mail (in the exact format below):
Association Name
c/o Dept 182 - Collins Management Company
PO Box 4579, Dept 182
Houston, TX 77210-4579
Please follow these six simple rules to ensure timely payment:
For invoices sent by U.S. mail, please make sure you include the Dept number on both lines of the address. If you do not include the department on both lines, your invoice will not get processed.
Send either by U.S. mail OR email, NOT both.
Place the company address above on all invoices themselves and not just the envelopes, which will ensure your invoice gets routed to the proper location.
For emailed invoices, only send one invoice per attachment. (e.g., Multiple invoices in the same Word document will not be split out). You CAN have multiple attachments per email.
Acceptable attachment formats: PDF (preferred), Word, Excel, JPEG, TIFF
Email with no attachment (the email itself would be used as the invoice)
Mail to: c/o Collins Management Co., 500 Alfred Nobel Dr. #250 Hercules, CA 94547Use a unique invoice number on each invoice.
Partnering with Collins Management
Collins Management enjoys a very strong bond with our vendors, which has translated to better service for our shared clients. Vendors often ask us about opportunities to build relationships with our managers and managed communities. Here is how to do it:
Annual Board Appreciation Seminar and Tradeshow
Participating in this event will provide an excellent opportunity to mix and mingle with managers and Board members in a relaxed and fun setting. These events are held annually, and your participation in the tradeshow opens the door to other great opportunities to develop bonds with our managers.
Lunch and Learns
We often get requests from our vendor-partners who wish to host "Lunch and Learns." Although we very much appreciate the educational content (and food), we have found it necessary to limit the frequency of these events to a more manageable quantity. Therefore, participation as a sponsor of our "Annual Board Member Appreciation seminar and Tradeshow" or sponsoring the Collins Management Foundation is a prerequisite to hosting a Lunch and Learn or similar format. Email info@collins-mgmt.com to learn more.
Collins Management Foundation
The Collins Management Foundation (CMF) leads a charitable network of dedicated HOA industry vendors to support the people working in managed communities. CMF's focus will be to support the workforce we all draw upon to serve our HOA clients. These workers may include an administrative assistant of a law firm, to a laborer for a general contracting firm, and everybody in between. Sadly, these workers may be one emergency away from grave financial circumstances.
As employers, many of us have experienced heartbreaking situations where an employee has been injured or must take a leave of absence to tend to a sick family member, often resulting in serious financial consequences for the worker, who may already be living paycheck-to-paycheck. Our Foundation's mission is to assist these people when they need our help.
Learn more at Collins Management Foundation.
Gratuity Policy
We count our relationships with fellow HOA service providers as among our greatest assets, to be valued and protected. Like you, we are a for-profit business, and as such, we understand and respect your need to market your brand among our managers. However, in recent years, these efforts have become more elaborate in what is an increasingly competitive market. Although we are thankful for the attention, there is growing concern that this trend may not always be in the best interest of our shared clients.
In light of this, Collins Management employees do not accept personal gifts from service providers, including meals, events, or any other gift with a monetary value. When a gift is received, it will be politely returned or donated to charity. We're not concerned about the occasional small treat intended for the entire office staff. It is perfectly fine to drop off information about your firm along with a little treat for the office. We love vendor information, especially when accompanied by bagels and doughnuts.

Contact Us
Office hours: Mon - Fri 9 - 5 (closed for lunch)
Collins Management Company
500 Alfred Nobel Drive, Suite 250
Hercules, CA 94547
Ph: (510) 262-1795
Fax: (510) 262-1797
E-mail: info@collins-mgmt.com